Dream | Build | Deploy
Saurav Prateek
Currently working as a
Software Development Engineer at
About Me
Bonjour! I'm Saurav, a Software Engineer based in Noida, India who enjoys building things and writing codes. I work on developing and improving products and services and also participate in programming challenges.

Shortly after graduating with my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, I joined the engineering team at GeeksForGeeks where I get to work on a wide variety of interesting and meaningful projects on a daily basis to which I am really greatful.
My Competitive Programming Profile
A competitive environment is always healthy as it pushes us to solve one extra question by going out of our comfort zone for a better Rating. So in my free time I compete here.
My Achievments
A lot of opportunites are waiting to be explored the thing is, are we ready to see the bigger picture. Below are some of the opportunities which I explored during my Engineering studies and trying to achieve more.
Participated in one of the World's Largest Competitive Programming Competition ACM ICPC in 2018. Our team Optimize Prime went for Asia Regionals which was held in Hindustan University Chennai. The contest was full of programming enthusiasts, limited edition tshirts and last but not the least balloons.
CCDSAP (Advanced and Foundation)
I have passed the Codechef Certified Data Structures and Algorithms Programme both Foundation and Advanced Level, it's a certification provided by codechef which demonstrates someone's grasp over DSA. Along with certification I also got the opportunity to be mentioned in the Hall of Certified Programmers.
Techgig Code Gladiators 2018 Finals
I have been qualified for the Final Round of Techgig Code Gladiators 2018, and secured an overall rank of 47 among across 300 finalist. The contest recieved an overall 2.5 lakh participants and the finals were held in Mumbai.
My Skills
These are the technologies, languages and skills in which I hold some hands on experience.
My Projects
I have mentioned some of my Work which I did in my B.Tech course period and some interesting things which I am getting to learn in my day Job.
Transition to Amazon Dynamo DB
At my job I was assigned a really interesting project of moving the entire database from RDS to a No SQL structure. Used Amazon Dynamo DB for this purpose and learned the concepts of Keys, Indexes, GSIs, LSIs, Sharding and Overloading of Keys and many more. Got to know various use cases where a No Sql design can be much effiecint and scale well.
Earthquake Intensity Calculator
During my first internship at India Meteorological Department, I was assigned the project of building a web application which could fetch the details of an earthquake activity [long, lat, height, depth, magnitude] and could plot a heatmap over the map of India for a better visualization of the incident. I used Google Maps API to build the project along with a File Storage System.
Viw on Github
Dummy Search Engine
Inspired by the course: 'How to build a Search Engine' which I did on udacity, I decided to build my own dummy search engine. I developed a web crawler in Python which could scrap all the links from a particular web page. I initially used it to scrap all the sites which provides courses online. One could enter the desired course Name and it will return the related courses. I also designed my ranking algorithm to rank result items in descending order of their relevance using string matching algorithms.
Puzzle 8
It was a semester end project which I developed on android. Developed an Android 8 Puzzle Game which can be played through Voice Commands. I also implemented a feature to control the difficulty of the game by varying the number of swaps made in the original sorted puzzle to produce a new solvable puzzle.
Viw on Github
It was also a semester end project which I developed on android. I developed an Android Application which allows the user to save information or temporary data which can be required later. I implemented SQL Lite as the Database.
Viw on Github